Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts. You may be all in black. You may be boring the critics. But I read a wonderful post recently about working to the best of your ability and silencing your critics as a result. There's nothing wrong with a little predictability, she always said she wouldn't take risks with fashion and as a result, she hasn't had the terrible reviews that some other celebrities have received for their fashion mishaps.
It may be a little heavy for the high summer that the norther hemisphere is experiencing at the moment, but other celebrities such as Christina Ricci have added it to their outfits with brilliant results.
Anna Kendrick is out and about in full force, and she's played the sophisticate, the playful, the daring and the classic. In this all black ensemble, she's safe but age appropriate all at the same time. There's nothing to criticize here except for the fact that it's black. There's plenty of time for black.
Rashida Jones, who happens to be making Australia's Curtis Stone one very happy man at the moment also added a splash of black to her outfit. It brings what could look casual into the polished evening appropriate realm, she's confident and carrying this outfit off with ease.
Licorice anyone?
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