Thursday, 17 June 2010

m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day seventy-three

I attended the most informative seminar last night, and learned that what I've been experimenting with through this series of entries really is something greater than just documenting what I'm wearing. It lends itself to suggestions of how I portray myself to others and therefore, how I wish to be perceived. This is an area I've had a huge fascination with since my years studying at university; the very title of this blog is a reflection of my interest as I endeavour to understand how people use clothing as a tool to build their own profile in society. This takes them from any situation combining their personality and how they conduct their behaviour in public with their physical appearance. It's sad but true, people will make a judgment of how you look before you've even uttered a word. This is your 'fashion language', and that's why I call this series
m i n d i n g
m y
l a n g u a g e
How do you want people to describe you when you're not there? That's the trick, and your clothing makes up a percentage, but it's also you're impression on people that you leave, which will determine their perception of you. My vocabulary today shows I'm in a very light and fashion forward mood, I wanted to have fun with fashion today and it's resulted in something completely black and white but very consistent to my personal style. What you see is what you get. It's as simple as that.

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