Friday, 25 June 2010

m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day eighty-one

I figure that because I'm still this side of 25 I can just scrape by wearing tights as pants. Just. And I solemnly swear to never even attempt to try jeggings over the age of 16. Deal.
There comes a time when every person looks at pieces in their wardrobe and contemplates if it's still age appropriate or not. In my opinion, a day in the city gives me a leave pass and grants me the right to a slightly more daring outfit than if I was in the suburbs, there's something less conservative about where the big kids play. I'll be covered by my trench coat anyway so it doesn't really matter, but that's the nature of the game and we've all got to accept it at some point. Not quite as reminiscent of the historic and epic tennis match over night, but good game none the less.

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