It seems Prada forgot to have a conscious when it comes to their selection of models as well. These chosen models appear to have lost all shape in their face and some of their knees are wider than their thighs; it's frightening. There's more than a couple of things wrong with this situation. Thanks to the global access to images from the shows, there are young girls avidly watching these shows from home whom aspire to be like the models on the catwalk, and to achieve such a gaunt figure through starvation is incredibly dangerous to their developing bodies.
From a marketing perspective, many of the clients wealthy enough to afford designer fashion don't necessarily have bodies like these, and therefore, generally won't see themselves in the clothes on display. It's not a new concept though, and the designers and casting agents in my opinion, haven't had enough of a drastic backlash to this 'skinny model' situation to consciously sway the decision making process.

Glamour Magazine recently published 'plus-size' model, Lizzie Miller on the cover to cheers from around the globe. But the surprising thing is, not everyone is entirely impressed. It seems that the majority of readers opinion's centre around the fact that she's not really plus-size at all, and more of an average size. All I can say is that she's very brave to bare all on the cover, but good on her, because she's real. Memo to the fashion industry: take note.
Thank you for the link, I think it's a big issue and needs to be addressed more seriously in the industry.