It's Halloween. Trick or Treat. Ok, treat it is for you. There should be nothing scary about wearing red lipstick but for some people, the thought is positively terrifying. Having worn red lipstick on only a few occasions I've loved how special I feel when wearing it and how it instantly lifts an outfit. But that's the key; the outfit has to be kept simple to be able to pull off this look without appearing as though you're trying too hard. And seen here in these images, it's hard not to be tempted to try it. There's something so feminine about the hue, and it heralds back to another previous era when red lipstick was the only shade. I remember reading an article about how it took someone a year to find the right shade of red to match their skin tone, and I have to admit it all gets a little complicated knowing which skin tone suits blue or orange reds best. It's all about trying and testing until you find the one, and it's not for everyone but you'll never know if you don't find out for yourself. These images are beautiful and although the red is quite dramatic, the overall look that comes across is incredibly fragile and soft. I know I lost the guys somewhere between "wearing red lipstick" and "tempted to try it" but some men today are just as scared of women who dare to wear red lipstick as the opposite sex are to trying it. It may attract a little more attention, but it's not a trick. It's a treat.