There's that age old question: who would your ideal dinner guests be, dead or alive? For me, having just watched Clive James on Andrew Denton's Elders, I need to set a new place at the table. I've always had Andrew Denton on that invitation list, his stories of who he has met would captivate all in attendance and keep everyone entertained. And now Clive James' additional commentary on life and happiness would assist for entertainment value. For me, he had a fantastic view of success and how it can be measured. I can apply his view of how to measure happiness to my own personal writing. He said that you're lucky if you're getting paid to do something that you'd do anyway for free, and my philosophy is that you can only keep learning from what you're doing, paid or unpaid. The biggest lessons in life, I think, are learned when you're doing it because you want to, not because you're obligated to, and in many cases a paid job becomes more of an obligation to sustain the intangible aspects of life. Continue to do what you do naturally, and your reward will be first and foremost to yourself and no one else. They can't take that away.