Have you noticed how Sydney has turned purple recently? A haze of Jacaranda blankets the footpaths and there's a multitude of ideas that spring to mind, spring being one of them; how original. After years of studying the wonders of Adobe Photoshop at university, I've played around with some textile print ideas just from taking a simple photograph of a snapshot covered section on my street. The first image is the original image, pebbled concrete and all. Then I've added multiply layers and added a filter to a selection of those layers. It's a little darker and has a real sense of nature about it compared to the next image. It has the same layers and filters, just removing the original background and it instantly looks more computer generated, less natural. Taking that one step further, I've taken the filters away on the next print and added screens, hard light and vivid light to create a more abstracted image, not very literal to the theme. The final shot is the most literal, removing all screens and simply piling on layer after layer of just the petals, and to me, it's suddenly a more mature print suitable for someone a little older. Try taking simple ideas from your surroundings and transforming them into more abstracted form. It'll make that bus trip home seem all the more interesting. I dare you.
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