I'm a big, big fan of anything green, therefore I'm a big, big fan of these fabulous bags from apple green duck. They're only about $2.95 each, and they're made of calico with gorgeous prints or eye catching ribbon to make them a little more exciting than your standard Woolies or Coles bag for example. All stockist details are available at www.applegreenduck.com
How exciting for that mini-stocking filler we all dread the though of trying to find. They might just be perfect and the environment will thank you for it. You've gotta love that.
I was reading marie claire's December issue with Eva Mendes on the cover and it counts down the most memorable moments from the last decade. Al Gore's movement to treat the threat of Global Warming stands at the forefront of many other natural or humanly caused disasters, and we can all try and help in some small way.
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