There's always an overwhelming sense of loss when finishing a much loved novel don't you think? Maybe that's too dramatic an assumption, but I know I've felt the pinge of no longer being able to look forward to sitting down and absorbing in the pages that twist and turn once I close the covers for the final time.
Most recently, this was the case for Ru Freeman's A Disobedient Girl. Her brilliant style of writing and fantastic plot, woven only at the end left me reveling in how brilliant this story really was. Transporting between chapters, and in this novel, different voices for two separate protagonists very cleverly told the journey of two women, one all in the space of two or three days, the other spanning thirty years. And it's this technique that generously answered all the questions in the end so perfectly, I was in, not wanting it to end and could recommend this for anyone's Christmas stocking.
Don't let the title fool you, naughty or nice.
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