Sunday, 30 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-five
There is a time in every garment's life when it becomes realistic that it's lost all it's shape and doesn't really do anything for the wearer. But with all the fury of a 2 year old clinging to an ice-cream cone, I'm clinging to my Comptoire Des Cotonniers sweater dress perhaps for sentimental reasons more so than anything else. This was a purchase from my first big overseas trip when I lived solo in Paris for a month. I was only talking with one of my friends about it the other evening but it was a big deal to leave for that trip when I was only twenty, a significance I only truly appreciate now. So fashion aside, and a drive to the beautiful Hunter ahead, I'm sticking with this trusty piece, kicking and screaming or not.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-four
In perfect symmetry with adjacent days and proving that there's an undeniable human habit, it just so happens I'm much more aware of the fact that I'm wearing the same thing two days in a row thanks to this experiment. What's worse is that everyone who follows is also just as aware as I am. We're all guilty of it at some point and especially when we travel as I've just experienced. Black ballet flats the only anomaly from yesterday, they really do prove their versatility on a day like today.
So rug up, stay warm and dry from the rain outside and have an enjoyable weekend.
Friday, 28 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-three
In the pursuit of finding something fun and comfortable to wear for my highly productive day, I finally got to wear my favourite Rupert Sanderson brogues since returning from the states. So to top off this favorable sun-shining Friday, a trip to Colefax is in order, because chocolate makes the world go round.
It feels wonderful to be able to dedicate more time to writing and since the focus of PROFILE shifted to accommodate for m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e, I'm making more of an effort to include both aspects of this blog. We're back on track loyal people.
You'll also be please to know that the new purchases are back from dry cleaning and itching for a whirl around town too. This is the place to see them, keep your eyes open.
Fuschia Faze

Deep in a sweeping craze, there's evidently a fuschia faze. Most notably, Kristen Davis beautifully highlights how the colour can transform a garment. She spectacularly transforms this style, demanding attention in this frenzy of fuschia and folds. And the colour proves a winner for both brunettes and blonds alike, Diane Kruger and Gwyneth Paltrow making just that point. It's clearly impossible for Kruger to put a foot out of place, her every choice maintains her style philosophy and outdoes the prior.
Fresh pickings.
Changing Of The Guard

There's an untimely fate frequented when many designers find their running tap turning to a trickle, and whether it's by choice or by appointment, a new era for a design house emerges.
The first most notable new name is that of Sarah Burton, the late Alexander McQueen's right hand creative aide for a sweet sixteen years, as she quietly ties up her shoe laces on his very fancy shoes. Burton was the master who managed to continue the finishing touches on his final and breathtaking collection a month after his untimely death. It therefore seems only fitting that the woman who was able to work in sync with the late genius and understand his vision without so much as uttering a word take her Armadillo heels and run with them.
Closing the door to the most luxurious of the luxury brands is one Jean-Paul Gaultier at Hermes. Tuned out by the clopping horses on Rue Boissy D'Anglaise in Paris, Gaultier has had his run and after seven years, will present his final collection for Hermes in October during the international Spring/Summer shows. In my opinion, he understood the true values of the brand inherently and will be a hard man to follow, good luck to his predecessor.
And so the wheel keeps spinning.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-two
After an exceptionally great start to the day, I feel like I've enjoyed a multitude of fabulous birthday celebrations. And if this weather keeps up, my Coach coat will be worn out in no time. When all else fails, boots on a rainy day save the day. These Woodbury Commons from upstate New York purchases are certainly getting a work out and what better way to get full use out of them than in this Sydney winter that seems to have settled in. Cosy to a tee.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-one
On this exceptionally wet Sydney day, I guess the heels aren't my smartest choice, but it's my birthday and I'll let the sky cry if it wants to. Sadly, my Burberry trench is still at the dry cleaners after serving me so well overseas. It keeps the wind and rain out and would be perfect for today but it's not to be, and there's nothing that could dampen the day.
So what's my fashion language saying about me. I've received a few questions of late as to why this experiment is called m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e and it's time we reflect on what has been. As Roland Barthes, a famous postmodern philosopher expressed that we 'read' someone before we meet them based purely on first glance, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at my 'language' and see if it influences how I'm stereotyped or how people might perceive me. It's also been a small study into how I perceive myself, and to see if there are any habits that lead to a self made 'uniform' as an appropriate way to describe the process. It's all a fun experiment and thank you to the avid followers who wait patiently to see what I'll be wearing each day. I hope to maintain the interest and avoid taking it all too seriously, it's only what we wear after all.
Now, let them eat cake.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Australian Fashion Week | arnsdorf

Exceptional grace takes form at arnsdorf, with a sleek and well thought through design process taking shape during Australian Fashion Week. Remarkably transient from piece to piece, the lead in to each individual garment is executed perfectly from the previous one to another. The colour palette is vividly subdued in a juxtaposition to the invitation of soft and earthy colours against a backdrop of pastels in feminine and modern prints. This is one label to keep an eye on for the coming seasons, they're well and truly on the way to establishing themselves as an international player.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fifty
It's somewhat of a milestone today, as I've been minding my (fashion) language for fifty days now. And so to embark after our fabulous journey through the US, it's back into some sense of normalcy and life as we once knew it before. With a multitude of my new purchases and well loved pieces held hostage at the dry-cleaners or in a giant pile waiting for me to trace over it with a piping hot iron, I've lunged for what ever I could find that was clean this morning. And a good airing for my new Coach coat overnight did the world of good for it's aroma. This Sydney weather, I have to say though, is leaving much to be desired. Where's that New York sunshine I grew accustomed to? The air is remarkably cleaner though and what better feeling is there than that. Couldn't find an answer myself.
Monday, 24 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-nine
Back in my humble studio, back in my Bally boots for this chilled Sydney day, I've gone from an array of different temperatures that I'd now care to keep a more frequent climate. To contrast with my blood shot eyes, I've sub-consciously chosen an all black ensemble, not too sure why but at least it's warm.
The jet lag is settling in, unpacking complete and the remaining clothes are all drying, bring on tomorrow for a normal day.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-eight
Because Sunday 23 May didn't exist for me, I was somewhere over the dateline for most of it, as a present I'm giving you the all boot scootin, all skin and brash beahviour to savour from the lovely ladies of Hogs & Heifers in NYC's Meatpacking District. It's all a bit of fun and and there was no competition with the girls as to who ruled the bar that night. Beware of their mega-phone and don't do anything to provoke their frequent volume subduing for a delightfully colourful outburst.
The flight was long and today all my clothes are twirlering around the washing machine because they "like to ballerina". I promise you, it's the good, the bad and the ugly in place as you'll see all in good time. I still call Australia home.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-seven
Closing the back cover on a beautifully bound book, it's the last day today in the states as we each fly off in different directions. One lucky duck already off to Europe and me happily back to Sydney. It's been the most fabulous holiday, laughing all the way through and with a sound track to the Mapelicious song, I couldn't have asked for a better tour around this interesting country.
It's a feeling of finality as we've packed our cases, now well and truly over flowing with new purchases thanks to this incredible city called New York. Do you like my new Coach coat and Bally boots? If you're ever over this way, Woodbury Commons should be your first stop. It's a rather warm day here today though, so all the layers are purely because they're too heavy for luggage, and hopefully it's freezing in Sydney so it's all worth it.
See you in another time zone. Thanks for traveling with me.
Friday, 21 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-six
Waking to one of the best surprises this morning, an overflowing cupboard of balloons filled our apartment for my 'New York' birthday, albeit 5 days before the real deal. It was magical, even a little Babycakes Wonder Bun made it with a candle to blow out, far too exciting for words. Ignore 'IT'S A GIRL' blazoned over the balloons, they make it all the more special because it's a wonderful surprise and I have to say, even though it's just the two of us, it really does feel like my birthday.
It was a spectacular day yesterday, reaching new heights at the observation deck of The Rockefeller Center. We then ventured into Anthropologie before setting off to The MOMA and finally, an afternoon in the very cool Mott Street and Elizabeth Street. That's where this dress is from, it was at a fabulous little vintage shop called Second Time Around and it's Banana Republic. Luckily I packed my waisted belt as on such a warm day, it's the perfect little dress to run around the city on my 'New York' birthday.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-five
My my what a difference a day makes. The sun's out shining over NYC again and it's put everyone in a whole new perspective. We spent the chilly day yesterday running back to West Village quickly in the morning before setting off to battle the line at TKTS in Times Square. Luckily we got to see The Phantom Of The Opera and I have to stay it was one of the most spectacular shows I've seen. The sets, costumes, voices all came together magnificently and it was well worth the efforts. After that we made a mad dash across town for tea at Alice's Tea Cup before SERIOUS INDULGENCE at Serendipity. The frozen hot chocolate was a fountain of oozing thick, rich chocolate over the edges of a ginormous bowl and topped off with decadent whipped cream, for me, it was the pecan tart that set pulses racing. We finally topped the night off with friends though at two of Robert De Niro's bar/restaurants, first for a drink at Locanda Verde, secondly for dinner at Tribeca Grill. It was a fabulous night with great atmosphere and incredible food. We've been in NYC a week today and it's impossible to believe that my part of the trip will be over in a couple of days. We're off to make the most of it. Good day.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-four
Thawing and drying out at the end of a long day, we came home last night after our day on the Sex and The City tour, expedition on 5th Avenue and brief stop in at Macy's. The weather's not much better today, so we're rugged up again and stepping out to Greenwich Village, before a Broadway show in the afternoon.
This little Marc Jacobs cardigan is the warmest cardigan I now own I've decided. It's my purchase from Cris in San Francisco and it's perfect for this kind of weather. Not chancing it in the rain, boots over jeans are on the cards today and I think that will be fine. Fresh washing picked-up yesterday, finally back in the habitual comfort of my jeans is bliss.
Up, up and away...
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-three
Emotion. Joy. A Spotted Pig. Bar top dancing. All in a day's work. Let me begin from the very start. With an emotional visit to Ground Zero and a guide given by two women who have had very personal losses during the September 11 attacks, we were moved to tears and it wasn't even lunch time. Then we moved onto a more momentous occasion when we went to visit the Statue of Liberty from a very distant Battery Park. We've had a fantastic run of weather in NYC until today, and yesterday was no exception. It led to dinner with friends at The Spotted Pig for amazing burgers before the real fun began. Hogs and Heifers is the original pub where they filmed Coyote Ugly, and the bar girls are truly nuts. They dance on the bar, drink all the shots that people buy for them and yell profanities through their mega-phone. They even got us up on the bar, oh my goodness, what an experience. Firstly, to a good old country song that escapes me, and secondly to "Shake Your Tail Feather", danced with all the enthusiasm of a Hollywood moment, pure crazy fun!
Today is met with a down pour of rain and disappearing mercury in the thermometer, but we'll be enjoying all the sights from the comfort of the Sex and The City tour bus so it doesn't matter. Reports to follow. Stay tuned.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-two
Feeling exceptionally ready to take on the day, the sky is a little gray but we're happy to venture out and see what the day brings. With a wave to the Statue of Liberty and a visit to Ground Zero on the cards we're also hoping to see a Yankees game, fingers crossed. The Spotted Pig is also tonight's destination of choice.
Feeling fresh and ready in a simple white tee, I've got my armour on and feel completely comfortable. It's so nice to be visiting New York in the spring.
Monday, 17 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty-one
Expressions of a big Saturday night out in New York cease to come to me, there is no explanation. After our day of walking down Bleeker Street through Greenwich Village, into Soho and later into the Meatpacking District, we made a stop in at Babycakes before heading home to get ready for our night out. We had a very quiet day today, before forcing ourselves to emerge and descend on Times Square this evening, seeing it all lit up as the busy and bustling area that it is. There are people absolutely everywhere and as the weather is so nice, it's brought everyone out from the cold. Weekends in New York, impossible to compare to anywhere else.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty
"Sunshine, on my window, makes me happy, like I should be..." Waking to the sun blaring through he apartment on this very New York Saturday morning, we took it pretty easy considering our efforts yesterday. We're off to Greenwich Village and Soho today, and will even find an afternoon spot of tea when we return to the holy grail of gluten and dairy free cakes, our good old Babycakes we visited in LA.
I haven't really told you about our apartment yet have I? Well, it's cute and cosy, and minus the scary leopard print doona cover it's still a nice little place. It's comfortable and we've finally been able to cook our own food, such a blessing after nearly two weeks of bought meals. The aggression on the roads outside is such a contrast to what it feels like inside, and it feels wonderful to be in a city where it's warm enough to wear one of my favourite Jac & Jack dresses and sandals again. Good enough to raise anyone's spirits.
Here's to a fabulous weekend in New York City. Cheers.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-nine
Exceeding expectations beyond any shopping fantasy, today turned into belief as we set out for Woodbury Commons, an outlet in upstate New York. Yesterday was a long day in transit from Chicago to NYC, but we're here and couldn't be more excited.
Let me get to today though, after rising at 6am to catch an early bus the hour to this heaven on earth. Think Chanel (the only outlet worldwide), Prada, Balenciaga, Chloe, Bally, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Coach, 7 For All Mankind, True Religion, Gucci, Oscar De La Renta, Missoni and the list goes on. It's amazing, it truly is. For once, I'm speechless. I'm now the proud owner of a new pair of Chloe shoes, Bally boots and a Coach coat, the challenge now only to get it all home. Thank goodness I came with a suitcase on the lighter side. And you'd be proud (or totally ready to disown us) but we didn't get home until 9.30pm. Talk about a stellar effort. I've never done that in my life.
NYC awaits, we can now take care of the other events with our names blazoned across them. More reports to come.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-eight
Places to go, people to see, another plane to catch, watch out NYC. We're on our way this morning, final stop in the US, an un-interrupted 10 days in New York, oh the possibilities are endless.
Making the trek to the train station is all we need to worry about as we wake on this very cold and rainy Chicago morning. Once we're on the train, that's it, we'll be inside the airport when we arrive. And New York is about 8C warmer so here's hoping we are dressed appropriately. Yesterday was bitterly cold as we visited The Bean (that's the bean not the queen) and walked through Grant Park to discover another handful of Chicago wonders. The Magnificent Mile on Michigan Ave right near our hotel proved to be just that, and as we bid farewell to this great city, the greatest of them all awaits.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-seven
Waking to the exceptionally low cloud cover, it's true to say we have our heads in the clouds this morning. We're high up over Chicago and couldn't be more impressed with our room.
The chill factor on the other hand makes for some very thorough dressing options. The maximums in Chicago are still only about 9C or 10C, and as we discovered last night, without layers it will be impossible to stay warm.
Every second person is wearing gumboots, they may just require a nice new space on the ever growing shopping list. Highly appropriate for this kind of weather, let's give them a run back in Sydney too.
All I can think of when I say 'boots' now is the phrase from a homeless man too cool for school back in San Francisco. Walking along Polk Street in Russian Hill, without the accent it just doesn't do it justice, but he greeted us with "See ya boots". The next day, to our complete surprise as we walked past again on our way to the deli, he said "what, no boots today?" After the hundreds of people he would see everyday, he remembered us? Very cool. All I can say this morning is "hello boots", what a God send.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-six
Chicago is my kind of town. We're leaving the lovely San Francisco this morning and off to catch a flight. Will write more from Chicago.
We have officially arrived and Chicago far exceeds expectations. Our hotel is incredible, and we're staying one floor from the top on level 38, you should see the view. This city and all it's buildings take my breath away. We've had a little wander down Michigan Ave aka The Magnificent Mile and it's sad but true, the highlight of the night was finding a Wholefoods. Fresh food finally, oh it's truly heaven.
If only we had more time in this magical city, it's truly a wonder every direction we look. Much to do tomorrow so off for a good night's sleep.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-five
Considering that 'fashion is a language', we've seen some spectacular styles through out San Francisco. There was a young man on the bus yesterday wearing a camel cardigan done up over a white shirt, slim jeans, black socks, tan loafers and the coolest sunglasses, of tortoiseshell and gold frames to some description. His language was telling us that he was supremely comfortable within himself and appreciated style rather than fashion. It was exciting to see. That was on our bus ride where we discovered Fillmore Street, a fabulous little strip of cafes and shops that even housed one of our very own South Australian Jurlique stores. We were on our way from the 'pretty ladies' houses of Full House to the Cheese gourmet deli to pick up some supplies.
Today we're off to Alcatraz and are terribly excited. It's our last day in San Francisco so we're still deciding on tonight's activities. It's been wonderful here though, having enjoyed all that SF has to offer.
Monday, 10 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-four
Traipsing around San Francisco, we couldn't be happier to stumble upon the delightful Russian Hill. With an early start and a delightful hotel room awaiting us, we left the hostel and checked in to the Larkspur. BLISS. It's gorgeous to say the least. We then set off for the Golden Gate Bridge and it shone in spectacular glory, with the harbour fresh and choppy below. Haight Ashbury was an experience to see and when we went in search of a second hand store called Cris that I'd read about, we didn't realise we'd be walking the entire length of Polk Street just to find it. Blood sugar levels at an all time low, we finally found a little place for lunch before things started looking up. A gourmet deli where we plan to revisit this evening, and then the shop, like the holy grail of all designer second hand stores. It was a sad day when The Frock Exchange in Sydney closed down, and here we've found one that hosts Balenciaga, Prada, Gucci, Marni, Chloe, Chanel and Louis Vuitton to name a few, all pre-loved but barley worn. Most still boasted new tags, can you believe it? I gave a new home to a very special cashmere Marc Jacobs cardigan and label-less dress but I adored it anyway. It was the perfect garment for our Saturday night at The Top Of The Mark, a very special bar on level nineteen at the top of the Intercontinental. San Francisco provided the most stunning backdrop and the live band played Mustang Sally. Beat that.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-three
Firstly, a very big happy mothers day back home. It's only Saturday morning here but when you wake, it will indeed be mothers day.
We've woken in San Francisco and dressed in our warmest attire, it's hopefully a day of Golden Gate Bridge and Haight and Ashbury today, as well as shifting accommodation locations.
Do you like my new cardigan? It was my first purchase on Rodeo Drive in LA so it's out for a whirl today. I'm also the very proud owner of two new jackets from Zara, the day they bring that to Australia, Country Road, Witchery and Sportsgirl will cry. Happy mothers day.
Friday, 7 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-two
In a mad rush to get the car for our road trip I must be quick, quick, quick at this very early hour. We bid LA farewell today. See you in San Francisco.
Here we are in the beautiful San Francisco, where it's bitterly cold but effervescently buzzing with atmosphere. I'm writing this incredibly late at night as we end our fabulous road-tripping day. We drove along the stunning coast road and it was worth every effort to see the winding and cascading coast line from Los Angeles to San Francisco. In our own true style, we're staying only one night in the hostel and moving to a gorgeous hotel tomorrow. We've found one close by called Larkspur Hotel, and as it's so close to the hostel we're in, we're able to still enjoy the excitement of the Union Square area. It's all part of the fun and being flexible with our travels. We're having a great time exploring all that California has to offer and can't wait to see what the rest of San Francisco has in store. Good night to a very long day. Looking forward to tomorrow.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty-one
Lacking in the essential prerequisite collagen, botox and implants, my top may give away the fact that I'm a real human today. It was surprising cooler yesterday so jeans are the sensible option having checked the forecast, and a little colour never hurts with this top. We've done a little shopping but nothing like what we expect from the next few cities yet.
PS. Last night at the Chateau Marmont, we felt rather exclusive, being two of only about 5 patrons when we got there at 8. Sadly plateauing, we made a move for The Den in Hollywood before finishing off the night at W hotel. When people in LA learn that they don't have to pose and pout, I'll come back. Until then, the time here has been fabulous, we've seen a lot and that's probably enough. One last day in LA then San Francisco awaits, exciting times.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day thirty
When the most ridiculously incredible magic castle puts on a show like it did for our first night in LA, it's going to take many tricks to get me looking half decent after nearly 36 hours without any sleep... wait until you see the photo's. We had a spectacular first day in Hollywood though. We've already perused Rodeo Drive looking suitably bloodshot in the eyes, just minus the collagen lips. And we've also experienced The Magic Castle as mentioned above, an exclusive members only magic club at the end of our street in Hollywood and with cocktail in hand it made the shows all the more entertaining. Today, The Getty Museum and Walt Disney Concert Hall await, as does The Farmers Markets, Baby Cakes and dinner at The Ivy, drinks at the Chateau Marmont if we can squeeze it in. Who am I kidding, of course we're going to the Chateau Marmont, just who might we bump into?
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day twenty-nine
Bound for the USA, excitement is at a high minus what you're about to read. I'm a complete and utter walking cliche of human behaviour I've decided. I'm faced with a long haul flight today, and there's definitely method in my madness, but it just so happens I've been wearing this outfit for what feels like a week. I'm wearing my trench and boots because I don't want to pack them, they weigh too much. And I'm wearing jeans because they go with the boots. I've changed the jeans and gone with my trusted Ksubi ones, it's fashion week and I'm leaving it behind so I need to show my support somehow. I would have loved to have worn my Lee Matthews harem pants, oh the endless comfort, but that would mean packing the heavy boots, sorry no can do. Ever noticed how when we travel we fall into these little patterns of wearing our 'uniform', self prescribed? Clearly, mine is a very boring t-shirt with jeans and boots, or ballet flats if I'm around home. This is common, non? Ahh well, who cares, LA has our names all over it and we're on our way. Bon voyage. Stay tuned!
Monday, 3 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day twenty-eight
Does it detract from the fact that once again I'm in my jeans if I put a dress over them? Please tell me it's so. It's less than 24 hours now until take off so I'm pulling the last straw and washing it all later in the day to completely prepare for the exciting trip ahead. I'm feeling very light and carefree in my white shirt dress, it's a favourite in my collection by Willow and I always know I can count on it to make my look unique and true to my personality. I've been wearing dresses over pants for as long as I can remember and I love the fact that it's something not everyone else really does, it's nice. I feel like in some small way it's my style, all my own. I appreciate the article in this months Harper's Bazaar, of Leona Edmiston's sister-in-law wearing a dress over pants for her wedding in the early 90's. I couldn't take it to that extreme but each to their own I guess, she was comfortable and that's the main thing. So the next time I write, I'll be about to leave for the airport. Excited? I know I am.
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day twenty-seven
Whoever penned all thing's in moderation must have clearly decided to forgo the completely faultless multi-functionality and versatility of jeans. I'm back in them again today, hush now, I'm ever so aware of the fact that I need a new wardrobe, bring on the US. It's the most beautiful Sunday and with a spectacular day ahead, I was a little warm to say the least but it's all good, rather that than a chillier alternative. I'm in the most beautiful place, hands down.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day twenty-six
There's nothing like a little getaway to kick-start your holiday. Skipping into May with a distinct shift in the weather, I'm desperate to add hits of colour wherever I can to coincide with my very excited mood. I get to sneak off to the beautiful Hunter Valley before the big take-off on Tuesday so I couldn't be happier. Decidedly safe in my outfit of choice, I've taken every trustworthy piece I have and put them all together. This is a little cropped cardigan that travels with me in my handbag everywhere, its colour is versatile and it is classic enough to go with either very dressed up or dressed down looks with ease. Plain in a simple gray tee matched with my jeans is so predictable for me, but I'm not fussed, I'm not trying to stand out today, I'd like to go incognito if I can. I need the wrap though, I'm feeling the chill in the air and even though this is an attention grabbing colour, I always rely on this pashmina to provide function and style. Enjoy your weekend.
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