Saturday 15 May 2010

m i n d i n g m y l a n g u a g e | day fourty

"Sunshine, on my window, makes me happy, like I should be..." Waking to the sun blaring through he apartment on this very New York Saturday morning, we took it pretty easy considering our efforts yesterday. We're off to Greenwich Village and Soho today, and will even find an afternoon spot of tea when we return to the holy grail of gluten and dairy free cakes, our good old Babycakes we visited in LA.
I haven't really told you about our apartment yet have I? Well, it's cute and cosy, and minus the scary leopard print doona cover it's still a nice little place. It's comfortable and we've finally been able to cook our own food, such a blessing after nearly two weeks of bought meals. The aggression on the roads outside is such a contrast to what it feels like inside, and it feels wonderful to be in a city where it's warm enough to wear one of my favourite Jac & Jack dresses and sandals again. Good enough to raise anyone's spirits.
Here's to a fabulous weekend in New York City. Cheers.

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