Sunday, 30 May 2010

m i n d i n g m y la n g u a g e | day fifty-five

There is a time in every garment's life when it becomes realistic that it's lost all it's shape and doesn't really do anything for the wearer. But with all the fury of a 2 year old clinging to an ice-cream cone, I'm clinging to my Comptoire Des Cotonniers sweater dress perhaps for sentimental reasons more so than anything else. This was a purchase from my first big overseas trip when I lived solo in Paris for a month. I was only talking with one of my friends about it the other evening but it was a big deal to leave for that trip when I was only twenty, a significance I only truly appreciate now. So fashion aside, and a drive to the beautiful Hunter ahead, I'm sticking with this trusty piece, kicking and screaming or not.

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