The National Advisory Group for Body Image is recommending that Australian publications highlight when an image has been re-touched and to also use more 'naturally healthy' looking models rather than some models we see today with disturbingly low BMI's. The formalisation of this information, I believe, is the first real step in a very positive direction. It's a fantastic initiative to finally instigate some real changes rather than continually talking about making changes and only implementing these kinds of measures in a minimal part of the publication. The trend in body shapes has always changed from decade to decade, much as the fashions adapted to change with them. I was introduced to a wonderful way of describing that if we put the energy out, we're rewarded by encouraging energy received back. Mia Freedman and Youth Minister Kate Ellis (pictured) has taken the first step in a big battle and I encourage you to support the cause.
Great read, Tegan :-)