Australian Fashion Week is still fresh for me because I was in the States when it commenced, so bare with me while I flesh out some of the star contenders during what is arguably becoming a world renowned event.
I can't let Lisa Ho's Spring Summer 2010 collection go without mention. She's back and raring to provide her signature style that's been missing for some seasons now. After what was in my opinion a long run of mis-directed offerings, Ho has served the most cohesive collection with a well rounded colour palette and exceptional variety of flattering shapes. But she's also given us a collection to transcend the ages. With many of the designers such as Kirrily Johnston, Josh Goot, Romance Was Born and Camilla and Marc all providing fabulous fashion for the thirty and under set, Lisa Ho has struck a cord, and hopefully it's a major success for her.
Another mention for Flannel is essential, thanks in part to the incredibly wearable and simple basics that Australian wardrobes demand. The palette was light and subdued, there was nothing too outrageous, just enough to garner the attention of the Eastern Suburbs pack that will no doubt snap these wares up from the Woollahra boutique on Queen Street.
Bright stars ahead.
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