When it's Easter and there's four fortunate days up for grabs, what better way to spend them other than running away to the beautiful Hunter Valley. Take a windy, bumpy road up to the top of the mountain, and you realise exactly what life is all about. It may sound philosophical, but drunk on an overdose of chocolate, it's oh so very true.
Camera at the ready with the vinyards in the distance, the landscape is captured and certainly proves it's ready to steal the show.
Golden Lindt bunnies all round kept smiles on all our faces, and it can't go without mention that Colefax also managed to out do themselves this year. Surrounded by friends and family, an overwhelmingly impressive selection of wines and an incredible home cooked roast pork couldn't have rounded out a more fabulous Easter weekend. Hope you have all had a lovely time too. There better not be any chocolate left over. Promise me.
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